Monday 21 April 2008

Escape The Armchair

This is a rallying call, specifically to Hereford United fans, but also to anyone who's local team is playing tomorrow (Tuesday) night.
Instead of settling down in front of the telly to watch yet another 'tactical battle' between Liverpool and Chelsea, get yourselves along to watch your local team in action. Your team (in my case Hereford United) needs you now, possibly more than any time in the season as those last few vital games come around. Even if they have nothing to play for, why not go along and show them your support at the end of a long, hard season.
You could watch Chelsea and Liverpool pit their tactical wits against each other any time, it's practically a fortnightly occurrence these days anyway. If you are that desperate, the highlights will be on just in time for when you get back and you can settle down and watch them before you go to bed, happy with yourself for going along and doing your bit for your local team.
So please, don't be drawn in by the prospect of European football, a big telly and a warm, comfy armchair. Get out there, brave the elements and shout yourself horse, in the knowledge that you are helping the cause.
Fingers crossed for a good crowd at Edgar Street tomorrow night!
Thank you.

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